Thursday 22 March 2012

St David's Massacre

The end of Aberystwyth Chess Club's busiest period for some time came on Tuesday 20th March with the match between the A and B teams at the St David's Club. Interestingly, as Rudy points out, none of the pairings from the Quadrilateral Tournament on Saturday were repeated. On top board for the A team, Mark Talbot played the unusual Larsen's Opening, fianchettoing his dark-squared bishop, which exerted a powerful influence on the position. I chose to simplify into an inferior ending to try to reduce the pressure, and held out quite a while without ever coming close to saving the game. James Cook dropped a piece early on against Rudy's Petroff, and resigned when faced with the loss of further material. Julie got a similar position against Tony to the one Mark had against me, even though the openings were different; Tony tried to sacrifice his way out of the bind, but with no success. The closest game was on Board 4, where B-team captain Ian was moonlighting for the A team against John Basterfield. The position was excitingly double-edged for most of the game, but Ian eventually emerged with enough extra pawns to win. The result was a whitewash for the As against the Bs for the second time this season, 4-0.

Mark Talbot - Matthew Francis 1-0

James Cook - Rudy van Kemenade 0-1/

Julie van Kemenade - Tony Geraghty 1-0

John Basterfield - Ian Finlay 0-1

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