Thursday 22 November 2012

Club Championship Under Way

The new format for the Club Championship allows games to be played on club nights whenever it's convenient for the players. On Tuesday 13th November, there were inly four players at the St David's Club, but, fortified by newly available supplies of tea and coffee, we drew lots and started the Championship. Tony Geraghty had White against James Cook and played his favourite London System, obtaining an open h-file and a strong attack. His piece sacrifice was by no means clear-cut, but difficult to defend against, and Tony scored a quick and impressive victory against a higher rated opponent. Meanwhile Ian Finlay and I were playing each other for the second time in a few days, after my unimpressive performance in the Dyfed Closed. I also played a favourite system, the Budapest Gambit, and got a well-posted knight and an extra pawn. But I have been finding it hard to close out games recently, and a couple of inaccuracies allowed Ian to cancel out the advantage, leading to another draw.

Tony Geraghty - James Cook 1-0

Ian Finlay - Matthew Francis ½-½

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