Friday, 12 April 2019

Down by the Seaside

With the Students' Union closed for the Easter holiday, the return match between the Town and University teams, following the latter's unexpected victory earlier in the season, took place at the Marine Hotel on the Promenade. On top board, Rudy van Kemenade showed that strong players can get away with oversights that the rest of us get punished for, when his miscalculated Nxf7 sac against Marcus Perry in a Ruy Lopez was met almost immediately by Black dropping a rook, leaving him the exchange up with a simple win. On Board 2 Adam Watkin-Jones managed to trap Dan Hardman's queen in a Sicilian, and White was only able to escape by giving up too much material. The bottom board was also a Sicilian, where Sam Holman's strategic dominance in the centre led to material advantage and an eventual win against Kit Barker. The longest game, on Board 3, was a repeat of last week's friendly between Kieran Judge and myself. Once again, the result was a draw after the lower-rated player had the best of the struggle; at one point under the pressure of time and tactics, I made an illegal move, which led to a welcome intermission as the remaining players retired to the other room to try to add the statutory two minutes to Kieran's clock. Digital clock technology being what it is, the process took about ten minutes, which was a useful breather for both of us. The match finished 3½-½ to Aberystwyth Town.

The club is now adjourned for the holiday, and our next club night will be Tuesday 30 April.

[Event "DyfedLeague:AberystwythU-Aberystwyth"] [Site "?"] [Date "2019.04.09"] [Round "?"] [White "Van Kemenade, R."] [Black "Perry, Marcus"] [Result "1-0"] [ECO "C78"] [WhiteElo "2021"] [BlackElo "1437"] [Annotator "kemen"] [PlyCount "87"] [EventDate "2019.??.??"] {[%evp 0,15,19,31,34,19,13,4,13,-2,2,8,8,8,59,54,79,77]} 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5 a6 4. Ba4 Bc5 {Moeller Defence, liked by Alekhine} 5. O-O Nf6 (5... d6) ( 5... b5) 6. d3 (6. c3 {main}) 6... h6 (6... b5) (6... d6 {save the pawn that Wh threatened by guarding e4}) 7. Bxc6 bxc6 (7... dxc6 {most frequent}) 8. Nxe5 O-O 9. Nc3 (9. Be3 {also played}) 9... Re8 10. d4 {Komodo12} (10. Nf3 d5 (10... d6 11. h3 {4-0}) 11. e5 Nd7 12. d4 Bb4 13. Qd3 {Vidal Gonzalez-Moreton, Orense 1997,1-0}) 10... Bb4 11. Qf3 (11. f3 {may be best- Komodo12, considered}) 11... Bxc3 (11... c5 {concerned Wh after his move, but Komodo12 gives 2 replies} 12. Nd5 (12. Nxf7 Kxf7 13. e5 $18 {is the other one}) 12... cxd4 (12... Nxd5 13. Qxf7+) 13. Bxh6 $16 (13. Nxf7 Kxf7 14. e5 Rxe5 15. Nxf6 Qxf6 16. Qxa8 $18 Qc6 17. Qxc6 (17. Qxc8 Re8 $15) 17... dxc6 18. Bf4 Re2 19. c3 dxc3 20. bxc3 Bxc3 21. Rac1 Ba5 22. Rxc6 $16 {Komodo12})) 12. bxc3 (12. Qxc3 Nxe4 13. Qf3 Nf6 14. Qg3 (14. Bxh6 gxh6 15. Qg3+ Kh7 16. Qd3+ Kg7 17. Qg3+ Kh7 {repetition?} 18. Nxf7 Qe7 19. Ne5 Qg7 $15) 14... d6 15. Nxc6 Qd7 16. d5 Qg4 $11 {Komodo12}) 12... d5 13. exd5 (13. Nxc6 {looked at for a while} dxe4 14. Qg3 {Komodo12} Qd6 (14... Nh5 {considered & pm analysis} 15. Nxd8 Nxg3 16. hxg3 Rxd8 17. Bf4 c6 18. Rfe1 Bf5 19. Rab1 $14 {its not easy with the opposite colour Bs & Wh is only half a pawn up.}) 15. Ne5 Rb8 $14 {Komodo12} 16. Bxh6 Nh5 17. Qh4 Qxh6 $19 ) 13... cxd5 (13... Qxd5 $14 {Komodo112}) 14. Bf4 (14. Re1 $16) 14... Ne4 ( 14... Bf5 15. Bxh6 Be4 16. Qg3 Nh5 17. Qg4 $18 {Komodo12}) 15. Nxf7 $2 { based on a mislooking, seen just after playing it} (15. c4 {first idea} f6 { Komodo12} (15... Bb7 16. Rab1 (16. c5 $16 {pm anaysis}) 16... Ra7 (16... Rb8 17. Nxf7 $18 Kxf7 18. Bxc7+ Qf6 19. Qxf6+ Nxf6 20. Bxb8 Rxb8 21. Rb2 $18 { Komodo12}) 17. c5 $16 {Komodo12}) 16. Nc6 Qd7 17. Na5 dxc4 18. Rfe1 Qd5 19. Nxc4 Qxc4 20. Rxe4 Bf5 21. Qb3 Qxb3 22. Rxe8+ Rxe8 23. cxb3 c6 24. Be3 $14 { KOmodo12}) (15. Rfe1 f6 16. Nd3 Be6 17. h3 $14 {Komodo12}) 15... Kxf7 16. Bxc7+ Qf6 {naturally} 17. Qh5+ {maybe something will turn up?} Kg8 $2 {and it does} ( 17... Qg6 $1 {defends the N on e4} 18. Qxd5+ Be6 19. Qc6 (19. Qb7 Kg8 20. d5 Bf5 21. Rfe1 Qf7 $17 {pm analysis, Wh does not have enough for the piece}) 19... Rac8 20. Rfe1 Re7 21. Rxe4 Rexc7 22. Rf4+ Kg8 23. Qxa6 Rc6 24. Qb5 Rxc3 25. a4 Rxc2 26. h4 Bc4 27. Qd7 Qe8 28. Qxe8+ Rxe8 29. a5 Ra8 $17 {doen't look that promising for Wh, though perhaps it might hold with the advaned a pawn}) ( 17... Kf8 {Wh thought was Ok for Bl as well , but Komodo12 has other thoughts} 18. Qxd5 Qe7 {Komodo12} (18... Bf5 {seen & pm analysis, missing} 19. f3 $4) 19. Qxa8 Qxc7 20. Qd5 Nxc3 21. Qf3+ Kg8 22. Rfe1 Rf8 23. Qd3 Bf5 24. Qxa6 $14) 18. Qxe8+ $18 Kh7 19. Be5 Qg5 20. f4 (20. h4 {Komodo12} Qg6 (20... Qxh4 21. Qc6 $18 ) 21. Qxg6+ Kxg6 22. Rfb1 $18) 20... Qg4 21. h3 (21. f5 $18 {Komodo12} Nxc3 22. Qc6 (22. f6) 22... Ne2+ 23. Kh1 Rb8 24. Bxb8 Bxf5 25. Rxf5 Qxf5 26. Be5 $18) 21... Qh4 22. Qf7 (22. f5 Qg5 23. Qc6 Bxf5 24. Rxf5 Qxf5 25. Qxa8 $18 {Komodo12 }) 22... Nf6 23. Bxf6 (23. f5) (23. Rab1) 23... Qxf6 24. Qxf6 (24. Qxd5 Rb8 25. Qe5 {Komodo12}) 24... gxf6 25. f5 {keeping the K bottled up} Bd7 26. Rae1 (26. c4 dxc4 27. Rae1 {Komodo12- creates a passed pawn}) 26... Rd8 27. Re7+ Kg8 28. g4 (28. Rf3 {Komodo12, considered}) 28... Ba4 29. Rb1 (29. Rfe1) 29... h5 30. Rbb7 (30. Rb6) 30... hxg4 31. hxg4 Bxc2 32. Kf2 (32. Rg7+ Kh8 33. Rg6 Rf8 34. Rb2 $18 {Komodo12}) 32... Bd3 33. Rg7+ (33. Kg3 Rc8 34. Kf4 Bb5 35. g5 fxg5+ 36. Kxg5 Bd3 37. Kg6 {pm analysis- trying for a quick mate} Rc6+ {Komodo12} 38. Kh5 Kf8 39. Rf7+ Kg8 40. f6 {and it's winning, but nothing fast} Rc8) 33... Kh8 34. Rh7+ (34. Rgf7 {picks up a pawn}) 34... Kg8 35. Rbg7+ Kf8 36. Rh8+ (36. Rg6 ) 36... Kxg7 37. Rxd8 Bc4 38. a3 Bb3 39. Kg3 (39. Rd7+) 39... a5 40. Rd7+ Kh6 41. Kf4 a4 42. Rf7 Bc2 43. Rxf6+ Kg7 44. Ke5 1-0 [Event "DyfedLeague:AberystwythU-Aberystwyth"] [Site "?"] [Date "2019.04.09"] [Round "?"] [White "Hardman, Dan"] [Black "Watkin-Jones, A."] [Result "0-1"] [ECO "B23"] [WhiteElo "1324"] [BlackElo "1928"] [Annotator "kemen"] [PlyCount "54"] [EventDate "2019.??.??"] {[%evp 0,11,19,28,70,49,50,46,52,44,38,35,25,10]} 1. e4 c5 2. Nc3 Nc6 3. f4 g6 4. Nf3 Bg7 5. Bc4 (5. Bb5) 5... e6 6. O-O {main} (6. f5 {has been played in some 2500 games}) 6... Nge7 7. d3 {main} (7. a3 {preserves the B}) 7... O-O 8. Qe1 {main} (8. a3) (8. Bb3) (8. f5) 8... d5 9. Bb3 d4 (9... Nd4 {main}) (9... Na5 {mentioned in passing by Gawain Jones 2008:25}) (9... b5 $5 {Rudy in pm analysis, some 40 odd games} 10. Nxb5 Qb6 11. c4 Na5 {2 wh wins,1 draw, 4 Bl wins} (11... Ba6)) 10. Ne2 Na5 (10... b5) (10... a5 11. f5 exf5 12. Qh4 Ne5 13. Bg5 Nxf3+ 14. Rxf3 Re8 15. Nf4 $14 {M Carr-P Orton, Tom Weston Major 2015,1-0}) 11. f5 (11. Bd2 {main- Stockfish10}) 11... Nxb3 12. axb3 exf5 $17 13. Qh4 Nc6 { 0-6} (13... f6 14. b4 b6 15. exf5 Bxf5 16. Ng3 Qd7 {Thole-Grigorian, Niedersachsen ch U18, Rotenburg 2013,0-1}) 14. Bg5 (14. exf5 Qxh4 {0-01}) 14... f6 (14... Qd6 15. Bh6 Bxh6 16. Qxh6 Qf6 17. Ng3 Ne7 {Cwik-Ostrowska, Rewal op, 2010,0-1}) 15. Bh6 (15. Bd2 Ne5 {0-1} (15... g5 {0-1})) 15... fxe4 (15... g5 $19 {Komodo12, considered by Bl} 16. Qh5 Qe8 17. Qxe8 Rxe8 18. Bxg7 Kxg7 19. Ng3 f4 {Otradovec-Hollan, CZE ch tm 2012,0-1;Pejkovic-Khanukov, Leverkusen ch 2003,0-1}) 16. dxe4 Qe7 17. Ng3 Bd7 18. Bxg7 Qxg7 $17 19. Nd2 Ne5 $19 20. Nc4 g5 {the Q is trapped} 21. Nf5 Bxf5 22. Qg3 Nxc4 (22... Bxe4) 23. Rxf5 Ne5 ( 23... Ne3) 24. Ra5 b6 25. Rb5 Qd7 {and a R is trapped} 26. Rxe5 fxe5 (26... Qxb5) 27. Qxg5+ Qg7 0-1 [Event "DyfedLeague:AberystwythU-Aberystwyth"] [Site "?"] [Date "2019.04.09"] [Round "?"] [White "Francis, Matthew"] [Black "Judge, Kieran"] [Result "1/2-1/2"] [ECO "A05"] [WhiteElo "1712"] [BlackElo "1064"] [Annotator "kemen"] [PlyCount "113"] [EventDate "2019.??.??"] {[%evp 0,15,18,32,28,-21,21,21,21,10,23,-3,-2,6,4,3,42,17]} 1. Nf3 Nf6 2. g3 g6 3. Bg2 Bg7 4. O-O O-O {double King's Indian, as seen in some Tal -Botwinnik world championship games} 5. d3 d6 6. e4 e5 (6... c5) 7. h3 (7. Nbd2 {main}) 7... c6 (7... Nc6 {main}) 8. c4 Re8 9. Nc3 {transposing to an English, near Botwinnik system which has a N on e2} a5 10. Be3 Nbd7 11. Nh2 $146 (11. a3) ( 11. d4) 11... Nf8 12. Qd2 Ne6 13. Ne2 {another N retreat- the Wh pieces have not gone beyond the 3rd rank as yet ( actually Bl has one more piece than Wh on his 3rd rank.} (13. f4 $11) 13... d5 14. exd5 cxd5 15. Qc2 (15. Bh6 $11) 15... d4 $17 16. Bd2 Nc5 (16... e4 $17 {Komodo12}) 17. b4 axb4 18. Bxb4 Nfd7 ( 18... Bf8) (18... Qc7) 19. Qd2 Qc7 (19... e4 $17 {Komodo121}) 20. Ng4 Nf6 ( 20... h5 21. Nh2 e4 $17 {Komodo121}) 21. Nxf6+ Bxf6 22. Bxc5 Qxc5 23. Rab1 Ra7 (23... Ra3) (23... Qa3) 24. g4 b6 (24... Qe7 25. Rb6 Bg5 26. Qb2 Qa3 27. Qb5 Qa4 28. Qxa4 Rxa4 29. Bxb7 Bxb7 30. Rxb7 Rxa2 $11 {Komodo12}) 25. Rb5 Qc7 26. Ng3 Bd7 27. Rb2 Rb8 28. Ne4 Be7 $11 (28... Bg7 $11) 29. f4 b5 {Komodo12} (29... exf4 {may be safer} 30. Qxf4 Qxf4 31. Rxf4 Kg7 $15) 30. cxb5 Rxb5 (30... exf4 31. b6 Rxb6 32. Rxb6 Qxb6 33. Qxf4 Be6 $17 {Komodo12}) 31. Rxb5 (31. Rc2 Qb8 32. f5 $11 {Komodo12}) 31... Bxb5 32. f5 Qa5 33. Qh6 (33. Qc2 Qa3 $15 {Komodo12 } (33... Qxa2 34. Qc8+ Bf8 35. Nf6+ Kg7 36. Nd5 $14)) 33... Ra6 (33... Bxd3 $19 {Komodo12} 34. Rd1 (34. Rc1 Qd8 $19) 34... Bxe4 35. Bxe4 Bf8 36. Qd2 Qxa2 37. Qxa2 Rxa2 $19) 34. fxg6 (34. Ng5 Bxg5 35. Qxg5 Bxd3 36. Rc1 Kg7 37. Qe7 Ra7 ( 37... e4 38. f6+ Rxf6 39. Rc8 Qe1+ 40. Kh2 Rf2 41. Qf8+ Kf6 42. Qd8+ Kg7 $11) 38. Qd6 (38. f6+ Kh6 39. Qf8+ Kg5 $19) 38... f6 39. g5 fxg5 40. f6+ Kh6 41. Qf8+ Kh5 42. Bf3+ Kh4 43. Qh6+ Kg3 44. Qxg5+ Kxf3 45. Qg2+ Ke3 46. Qf2+ Ke4 47. f7 Rxf7 48. Re1+ Qxe1+ 49. Qxe1+ Kd5 50. Qa5+ Ke6 51. Qb6+ Kd5 52. Qa5+ $11 { Komodo12}) 34... Rxg6 35. Qh5 Qxa2 (35... Bxd3 {the kibitzers at first thought this would be winning, however the Engines show otherwise'} 36. Rxf7 { anticipated, but} (36. Rc1 Bxe4 (36... Kg7 $19) 37. Bxe4 Bg5 38. Rb1 Kg7 39. Rf1 Qd2 40. Bxg6 hxg6 41. Rxf7+ Kxf7 42. Qh7+ Kf6 43. Qh8+ Ke6 44. Qg8+ Ke7 45. Qg7+ Kd6 46. Qf8+ Kd5 47. Qa8+ Kc4 $19 {Komodo12}) 36... Kxf7 37. Qxh7+ Rg7 38. Qh5+ $1 {draws} (38. Qf5+ {loses in various ways} Kg8 (38... Ke8) 39. Qc8+ Qd8 (39... Bd8)) 38... Kf8 (38... Ke6 39. Qf5+ Kd5 40. Qd7+ Kc4 41. Qe6+ Kb5 42. Qxe5+ Ka6 43. Qxg7 Bxe4 44. Qxe7 Bxg2 45. Qe2+ Kb6 46. Kxg2 Qc3 47. g5 d3 48. Qe6+ $11 {Komodo12}) 39. Qh8+ Rg8 40. Qh6+ Ke8 41. Nf6+ Bxf6 42. Qxf6 {and, despite all the Bl pieces standing round, Wh has a perpetual- Stockfish10}) ( 35... Qc7 {keeps a small advantage for Bl- both Engines} 36. Qf5 Bh4 37. Rf3 Kg7 $15 {Komodo12}) 36. Qxe5 $16 Bxd3 37. Rf2 {Wh was running short of time here} (37. Qxe7 Bxf1 38. Qd8+ Kg7 39. Qxd4+ Kg8 40. Bxf1 $16 {Komodo12}) 37... Qb1+ (37... Qa7 38. Bf1 Bxe4 39. Bc4 Rf6 40. Rxf6 Bxf6 41. Qxf6 d3+ 42. Kf1 Qd7 43. Bb3 Bg6 44. Bd1 Qd5 $17 {Komodo12}) 38. Kh2 (38. Bf1 Bxf1 39. Rxf1 Re6 ( 39... Qb7 40. Qxd4 Qb6 $11) 40. Qf4 Qxe4 41. Qxf7+ Kh8 42. Qe8+ Kg7 43. Qf7+ Kh6 44. Qh5+ $11 {Komodo12}) 38... Bxe4 (38... Qb4 $15 39. Nf6+ Bxf6 40. Rxf6 Rxf6 41. Qxf6 Bc2 42. h4 Qc5 43. h5 h6 44. Qxh6 Qe5+ 45. Kh3 Bd1 $17 {Komodo12} ) 39. Bxe4 (39. Qxe7 Qb8+ 40. Kg1 f5 $11 {Komodo12}) 39... Bd6 40. Bxb1 Bxe5+ { Wh tried to play Bxg6 here, & BL was eventually given extra time on the clock} 41. Kg2 Rd6 {the game should now be a draw since Bl is unable to force his d pawn any further forward} (41... Rb6 $5) 42. Bd3 Kg7 43. Rf5 f6 44. Rh5 (44. g5 $5) 44... h6 45. Rf5 Rb6 46. Rf2 (46. Kf3 Rb2 47. Ke4 Rh2 48. Rf3 {all the Wh pieces on wh, & the Bl ones on bl}) 46... Rb3 47. Rf3 Rc3 48. Kf1 (48. Be4) 48... Kf7 49. Ke2 Ke7 50. Rf1 Kd6 51. Rf3 Ra3 52. Rf1 Ra2+ 53. Kd1 (53. Kf3 Rh2 {would give Bl some winning chances}) 53... Rh2 (53... Ra1+ 54. Ke2 Rxf1 55. Kxf1) 54. Rf3 Kc5 55. Bf1 Kd5 (55... Kb4 56. Be2) 56. Bd3 Rg2 57. Bf1 {(draw?)} 1/2-1/2 [Event "DyfedLeague:AberystwythU-Aberystwyth"] [Site "?"] [Date "2019.04.09"] [Round "?"] [White "Barker, Kit"] [Black "Holman, Sam"] [Result "0-1"] [ECO "B53"] [WhiteElo "1000"] [BlackElo "1370"] [Annotator "kemen"] [PlyCount "80"] [EventDate "2019.??.??"] {[%evp 0,12,27,19,53,50,75,61,63,47,65,-5,-11,-66,-18]} 1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 d6 3. d4 cxd4 4. Bb5+ (4. Nxd4) (4. Qxd4) 4... Nc6 (4... Bd7 {main}) 5. Bxc6+ { this strengthens Bl's centre & gives a useful open b file, as well as ceding the 2 Bs} (5. Qxd4) (5. Nxd4) 5... bxc6 6. Nxd4 Qb6 (6... c5) (6... Qc7 { main moves}) 7. O-O (7. Nc3 {0.5-1.5}) 7... e5 (7... Nf6 8. Nc3 g6 9. Nb3 Bg7 { 4 Bl wins, 3 draws}) 8. Nb3 (8. Nf5 $11 {Cloud Engines}) 8... Nf6 9. Be3 Qc7 10. N1d2 Be7 $15 11. Bg5 h6 12. Bxf6 Bxf6 13. c4 (13. Nc4 Be7 14. Ne3 O-O 15. c4 Be6 $15 {Komodo12, Bl's pawns are potentially more mobile}) 13... O-O 14. c5 d5 $17 15. Re1 Bb7 {a bit of a deadend for the B} (15... Be6 {more natural}) 16. a4 {weakens the b file} (16. Rc1) 16... Bg5 (16... Rab8 $17) 17. Nf3 Bf6 18. Nfd2 Rfd8 19. Qc2 d4 (19... Rab8 20. Ra3 Ba6 $17 {leaves the pawn centre where it is for the moment}) 20. Nf3 (20. Nc4 {is worth a try} Be7 21. Nba5 Rab8 (21... Bxc5 22. Nxb7 Qxb7 23. Nxe5 $11) 22. b4 Ba6 23. Rab1 Bc8 $15 { Komodo12}) 20... Ba6 21. Rad1 Rd7 22. Qd2 (22. Nc1 Rb8 23. Nd3 {blockading the most advanced Bl pawn, looks advisable} Rdd8 $17) 22... Rb8 23. Qa5 (23. Na5 { must be better}) 23... Qc8 $19 24. Nbxd4 (24. Nc1 Rxb2 25. Rd2 Bd8 {Komodo12- is even worse as the Q has no escape route}) 24... exd4 25. e5 Bd8 26. Qd2 d3 $19 27. Qe3 (27. e6 $5) 27... Rb3 (27... Rdb7) (27... Re7) (27... Rxb2) 28. Nd4 Rb4 29. e6 {other moves are not much better as the Bl pieces dominate the board } fxe6 (29... Rdxd4 {is quite safe} 30. exf7+ (30. e7 Bxe7 31. Qxe7 Rxb2 $19) 30... Kxf7 31. Qe8+ Kf6 32. Re3 Bc7 33. Qe7+ Kg6 34. Re6+ Kh7 $19 {Komodo12}) 30. Qxe6+ Rf7 {this gives Wh chances} (30... Kh7 $1 31. Nxc6 Rxb2 32. Ne5 Re7 33. Qg6+ Kg8 34. Ng4 Kh8 35. Rxe7 Bxe7 36. Nxh6 Bc4 37. Nf5 Bf8 $19 {Komodo121} ) 31. Qe8+ {but not this way} (31. Nxc6 Qxe6 (31... Rxb2 32. Qxc8 Bxc8 33. Re8+ Kh7 34. Rxd8 {transposes to next line}) 32. Rxe6 Rxb2 33. Nxd8 Rfxf2 34. Rxa6 Rxg2+ 35. Kh1 Rxh2+ 36. Kg1 $11 {Komodo12}) (31. Qxc8 Bxc8 32. Nxc6 Rxb2 33. Re8+ Kh7 34. Rxd8 Rfxf2 35. Rxc8 Rxg2+ 36. Kh1 Rxh2+ 37. Kg1 Rbg2+ 38. Kf1 Rg3 {Komodo12 does not consider this move until it's brought to irs attention} 39. Rd8 Rg6 40. R8xd3 Rxc6 $17 {Stockfish10}) 31... Rf8 $19 32. Qg6 Rxd4 33. Re8 Qd7 34. Rxf8+ Kxf8 35. Kf1 d2+ 36. Kg1 Bd3 (36... Be2 37. Qb1 Bxd1 38. Qxd1 Re4 ) 37. Qg3 Bc2 (37... Be2) 38. Qf3+ Bf6 39. h3 Bxd1 40. Qxd1 Rc4 0-1

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