Wednesday, 13 October 2010

First Match of the Season

The season got off to a rocky start in our first match at the Emlyn Cafe, Tanygroes on Monday 11th November when the A team only managed a draw against Cardigan B.

Rudy van Kemenade finally managed to win a crucial pawn and the game against the tenacious defence of Caerwyn Owen, while David Ferguson, playing board two, got a position with a weak pawn, then unfortunately gave away a piece to bring about defeat just as his position looked safe.

On board three, Julie van Kemenade won a pawn but then failed to see the most active way forward and settled for a draw.

Matthew Francis on board four tried hard to get play with a Budapest Gambit against a dogged opponent who swapped off all the main attacking pieces. When Matthew tried a pawn sacrifice as a final attempt, Roger Phillips found a very neat move that won the exchange. However all this had taken time, and Roger was forced to take a draw because of his severe time pressure.

Rudy van Kemenade / Matthew Francis

Rudy van Kemenade - Caerwyn Owen 1-0

Seamus Cunnane - David Ferguson 1-0

Julie van Kemenade - Howard Leah 0.5-0.5

Roger Phillips - Matthew Francis 0-5-0.5

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