Wednesday 11 May 2011

European Senior Team Championships Rd 6

A tale of mixed fortunes. Iolo and Rudy ended up after a few transpositions, with the same Catalan position. Rudy missed a chance (Iolo more so as he could have won a pawn early on), and was offered a draw on move 23. Carrying on with a bishop against a knight, he missed several possibilities and ended up losing. Iolo was getting into difficulties, headed for an opposite-colour bishop ending a pawn down, where his opponent had chances of another passed pawn, but after Black went astray a draw ensued. Bob played for a mobile pawn attack when the kings were castled on opposite sides. Eventually a complex position was reached where both sides had advanced pawns and pressure against both kings on the back rank. A draw by repetition was reached. Richard came under some long-term pressure in a closed Sicilian, and after some exchanges offered a draw, which was declined. His opponent seeking a quick win, missed a neat in-between move by Richard, so went a pawn down. As he was seeking to recover it, Black was now able to start a successful king hunt with queen and rook, whereas against the White counterattack, Richard's K was able to move out to freedom.
So, 2-2 another draw.

The afternoon saw the team go on a bus trip up to 1,000 metres of the snowcapped Mount Olympus, which rises to 2,900 metres in total.A long winding road with magnificent views of the countryside below. On the way back called in at the monastery of St Dionysius, a multi-levelled quiet site, a little reminiscent of Portmeirion(well some of Clough's ideas did come from around here). Calling in a Litichoro, a town on the lower slopes was a little disappointing- a pleasant enough place, but it being Sunday shops were closed, so had to settle for a taverna. Called in via the coast on the way back to St Pantaleimon. But rather than a traditional Greek village with cobbled stones as mentioned (well it may have been somewhere there)it was more like Blackpool or Great Yarmouth. The more you move around, the more it remains the same.

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