Annual General Meeting
The 65th AGM of the Aberystwyth Town Chess Club was held in the first floor meeting room St. David’s Club, Eastgate St, Aberystwyth, 7:30 pm on Tuesday 13th September 2011.
Present: M. Francis [in the chair], A. Geraghty, Secretary /Treasurer, I. Finlay, J. Basterfield, R. van Kemenade, J. van Kemenade.
1. Apologies for absence. None.
2. Minutes of the previous AGM were accepted.
3. Matters arising. None.
4. The chairman reported the club on the whole had a successful year. We entered two teams in the Dyfed League and fulfilled our fixtures without a default. The Club Championship, now established as a weekend tournament, had, with the co-operation of members, been played as a seven match round-robin, which was won by Mark Talbot.
The chairman also congratulated members for some fine individual achievements. Rudy and Julie van Kemenade both represented Wales at International level. Rudy also retained 1st place at the Dyfed Closed Championship. Mark Talbot won 1st place at the Heywood Congress. Rudy, John Basterfield and Georgina Gray all won grading prizes during the season.
5. Secretary/Treasurer's report. Tony Geraghty reported the club was in good financial order. The rent to the St David's Club was paid for the next two months and there is £102.00 in the bank. The secretary reminded members that the WCU £10.00 and Dyfed league £5.00 fees are now due. He also took the opportunity to remind team players to share the travelling cost on match nights.
6. Match Captains’ reports. Rudy van Kemenade reported that the A team had a very good season finishing in second place to champions Cardigan despite beating them twice. Alas, points dropped in other games decided it.
Ian Finlay reported that the B team had finished 4th in the league despite a poor start to the season and only failed to retain the Iolo Jones trophy by ½ a point.
7. Any other matters.
The need to attract new members was discussed. Matthew Francis agreed to continue match reports to the Cambrian News, put posters up at the university and maintain the Blog.
8. Election of Officers.
The following were elected:
Chair – Matthew Francis
Secretary and Treasurer – Anthony Geraghty
Match captains:
A Team – Rudy van Kemenade
B Team – Ian Finlay
Blogmaster – Matthew Francis.
Anthony Geraghty, Club Secretary.

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