Sunday 5 October 2014

Hard Coffee

Aberystwyth B ended last season with a 4-0 defeat to Cardigan A, and have started this season with the same result. On a well-attended club night at the St David's Club on Tuesday 30 September, the lively atmosphere was only slightly tarnished by the fact that the coffee had fused to the inside of the jar over the summer and had to be chipped away with a spoon. On top board, I was quickly demolished by Howard Williams, who whipped up a kingside attack out of a quiet position; when playing such a strong opponent I always find that my pieces seem to gravitate to the wrong squares despite my best intentions. Tony Geraghty had a similar experience against the other FM, Iolo Jones, getting a lost position from the opening, though he managed to survive for longer. Ian Finlay, playing the Black side of a Queen's Gambit Declined, got interesting complications against Tony Haigh, and was equal for a while before miscalculating; White gave up a queen for a decisive material advantage though he could have won more simply. Finally, James Corrigan had trouble defending against Awne Osinga's powerful bishop pair in a Ruy Lopez, and allowed the Black queen into his kingside, with gain of material.

Howard Williams - Matthew Francis 1-0

Tony Geraghty - Iolo Jones 0-1

Tony Haigh - Ian Finlay 1-0

James Corrigan - Awne Osinga 0-1

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