Sunday, 14 June 2015

Default is Ours

Aberystwyth B's last match of the season was against a depleted Cardigan B at the St David's Club on Tuesday 26th May. On top board, Tony Geraghty made a tired-looking late-season blunder against Tony Haigh, dropping a piece for nothing, and had no chance thereafter against such a strong opponent. Mike Weston got a dominant position on the queenside against Howard Leah, but settled for a draw as both players became very short of time. Ian Finlay got a passive position against Awne Osinga, who took all the time he needed to build up a winning attack With Cardigan defaulting on Board 4, Aber lost the match 2½-1½. The league title went to Cardigan A, with Aberystwyth A third behind Carmarthen. Aberystwyth B finished fifth.

Tony Haigh - Tony Geraghty 1-0

Mike Weston - Howard Leah ½-½

Awne Osinga - Ian Finlay 1-0

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