Monday 7 December 2015

Missing Dates (and Mates)

I have just noticed that I overlooked one of our matches in my recent blogposts. This was the match between Aberystwyth B and Haverfordwest B on Monday 23rd November at the Emlyn Cafe. On top board, I was facing an opponent who had won all our previous games, Martin Jones. My English system against the Sicilian gave me a comfortable position, but winning the exchange turned out to be something of a positional trap, as he had a well-placed knight and the two bishops while my white-squared bishop was more or less useless. Unable to find a way through I agreed to a draw. Tony Geraghty's game had a nail-biting finish, when Scott Hammett sacrificed a piece for attacking chances. Tony should have been able to win, but his time was running dangerously low, and both sides overlooked Scott's potential mate in two. Somehow the game was drawn with only seconds on Black's clock. Mike Weston had broke up Gwyn Evans's kingside and gave up a knight to force mate on Board 3. Meanwhile, on bottom board there was another missed mate, this time for Ray Greenwood against Georgina Gray, who recovered from her danger to take advantage of the exposed White king, winning what was her first game for the club this season.This almost lost encounter resulted in a 3-1 win for Aber.

Matthew Francis - Martin Jones ½-½

Scott Hammett - Tony Geraghty ½-½

Mike Weston - Gwyn Evans 1-0

Ray Greenwood - Georgina Gray 0-1

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