Aberystwyth's first match of the season took place at the St David's Club on Tuesday 4th October when the B team took on Gwyddbwyll.com. On top board, Robbie Wright was in trouble against Iwan Griffiths's French Defence but Black's unnecessary exchange sacrifice let him back into the game, and when Iwan gave up the two bishops as well the ending was simply winning for White. James Corrigan, returning to the team after a year's absence, won the exchange against Owen Llywelyn's Ruy Lopez, but went in for some complications that ended in him giving the material back. White seemed to be better when the draw was agreed. In another Ruy, Sam Holman had worked up a crushing kingside attack before Tegwyn Jones lost on time, the first victim of the new increment-based time controls. Conor McEwan reached a level ending against Emyr Lywelyn, but White then dropped a couple of pawns and allowed him to take control. The match finished 3½-½ to Aber B.
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1.e4e62.d4d53.e5c54.c3Nc65.Nf3Bd76.Bd36.Be26.a36...Qb66...cxd47.cxd4Qb6is more accurate as it avoids a Whpossible reply7.Bc27.dxc5Bxc58.0-0a59.Nbd2a410.Rb1Qc711.Qe2Nge712.b4axb313.Nxb3Bb614.Nbd4Leon Hoyos-Rott, Fourmies op 2010,1-07.0-0cxd48.cxd4Nxd49.Nxd4Qxd410.Nc3is the sharp Milner-Barry gambit7...Nge77...cxd48.cxd4Nb4
and Wh had to part with his wh square B in order to be able to 0-08.dxc58.0-0most frequent8...Qxc59.Be3Qa510.b410.Nbd2
is less committal10...Qc711.Bd4Ng611...Nxd412.cxd4Ng613.0-013.a3a514.b5Bxb513...Bxb4Komodo1012.Bxg612.0-0!?
Sanchez-Benavides, COL Risaralda op 2015,0-116...Nxd417.cxd4Kb8
Komodo1014...Rc814...g515.g4Nxd416.Qxd416.cxd4Qc1+17.Qd1Qf418.h3Rc8-+16...Bb5-+16...Rh3-+15.0-0a615...0-016.Nbd2Nxd417.Nxd417.cxd4Bb5-+17.Qxd4may be a better way to offer
the pawn sac, as Blhas a better pawn to take than the weak c317...Qxc317...Qxe518.h3Qc7-+
as eventually the Bl centre pawns will roll forward supported by the 2 Bs18.Qxc3Rxc319.Rfc1Rxc1+19...Rc820.Rxc8+Bxc821.Rc1Kd722.N2b3b620.Rxc1Kd820...Bd821.N4b321.N2b3Rh422.g3Re4-+Komodo1021...b622.Nf3Ba423.Nbd4Kd7Komodo1021.N2f3f621...g522.g3g523.a423.g4Rudy & Komodo10fxe524.Nxe5Rf825.Nb3Bd626.Re1Rf427.h3b623...g423...Bxb424.Rb1a525.exf6gxf626.Nc2Bc527.Rxb7Kc828.Rb1Kc7-+Komodo10, leaves the a4 pawn very vulnerable & the Bl centre
still able to roll forward24.Nh4Rxh4there is no need for this, even
though 2 Bs are mosly an equal match vs R & N, often cooperating better24...fxe5!may well be best25.Ng6Rh526.Nxe7exd427.Ng6Bxa428.Nf4Rh6
and Bl has several extra pawns, Komodo1024...Bxb425.Nc2Bc526.Ne1Bd4-+25.gxh4fxe5-+26.Nb3Bxb427.a527.Nc5Bxc528.Rxc5Bxa4-+27...d428.Nc5Bxc5gives up the power of 2 Bs too quickly28...Bc6-+28...Bb5-+29.Rxc5d3an advance too far29...Ke730.Kf130.Rxe5Kf631.Re4e5-+30...Kd631.Rc1Bc6=
keeps the pawns together & has brought the K to teir aid30.Kf1±e430...Bc631.Rxe5Ke732.Rg5Kf633.Rxg4+-Komodo1031.Rg5+-
now the Wh h pawn becomes really dangerousBb532.Ke1Ke733.Rxg7+Kf634.Rxb734.Rxg4Bc635.Kd2+-
The Bl pawns are firmly barricaded & the Bl K cut off from stopping the h pawnBe835...Kf536.Rg836.Rxe4Kf537.Re3Kg438.Rxe6Bf739.Re4+Kh340.Re7+-Komodo1034...Bc434...Ke535.Rxb5+axb536.a635.Rb4Bd536.Rb6Bc437.Rc6Bb538.Rc5Bd739.h539.Rc7Be840.Rb7Kg641.Rb6Kh542.Rxa6Kxh443.Rxe6+-Komodo1039...Be840.Kd2e541.h6Kg642.Rxe5Bf743.Re7Bg843...Kf644.Rc7Bg645.h7Bxh746.Rxh744.Rg7+1–0
Meanwhile Cardigan have lost the first match of the season. A team augmented by three Aber players were beaten 4-2 by Nidum Knights in Neath on Sunday 2nd October.
Meetings every Tuesday upstairs at The Scholars, Aberystwyth, 6.30 pm. All welcome.
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