Aberystwyth's run of good form is leaving me pushed for new ways to describe it - not that I'm complaining. It was more of the same on Wednesday 21st February when we took on Steynton A at the Emlyn Cafe, Tannygroes. Brendan-Budok Durand-Le Ludec played calmly against Martin Jones's quiet Alapin treatment of the Sicilian, targeting the weak pawns, then sacrificed the exchange in the ending to clear out almost all the White pawns that remained, leaving an easy win. Rather as in his last match game, Rudy van Kemenade stormed through the centre with his pawns against David Pinch's King's Indian (by transposition). This time he was helped by Black's vulnerable king, but the result was the same. Adam Watkin-Jones reached an ending with two bishops versus two knights against John Miller, but it proved to be not enough of an advantage for a win. After some early skirmishing in a Sicilian, Julie van Kemenade reached a materially level major-piece middlegame against Gwyn Evans, but her domination of the e-file and Black's shaky king position soon proved decisive. A win for Aberystwyth by 3½-½.
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1.e4c52.c3g63.d43.Nf3Bg74.d4cxd45.cxd4d56.exd5Nf67.Nc30-08.Bc4Nbd79.d6exd610.0-0Nb611.Bd3Be6Jones-Heap, Dyfed League
2017,0-13...cxd44.cxd4d55.exd55.e5transposes to a Gurgenidze
Vulin-Kojovic, Gligoric Cup, Novi Banovci 2017,0-111.Re1Bxb512.Nxb5Nc613.Be3Nd514.Nc3Nxe315.fxe3e616.Qb3Na517.Qa4a618.Rac1b519.Qd1Rc8Senic-Becelic, Belgrasfe City ch tm 2013,0-111.a4Cloud Engines11...Bxb512.Nxb5N8d712...Nc6Komodo1113.Bf413.Nf3Nd514.Qb3N7f615.Nc3=Komodo1113...Nd514.Bg3a615.Nc3Nxc316.bxc3Nxe517.dxe517.Bxe5Bxe518.dxe5Qc7Komodo1117...Rc817...e618.f4Qc719.Qf3Rac820.Bf2b521.Bd4Qc4Komodo1118.Rb118.Qb3Qd719.Rfd1Qc620.a4Rfd818...b5Wh has 3 weak pawns, & f4 will
become the 3rd if it comes to the aid of e5.19.Rb3preferably Rs should
not be in defensive positionsbut active against enemy pawnsRc419...Qa520.Qc2Rfd8Komodo1120.f420.Qxd8Rxd821.Ra3Rc622.Ra5Rd323.a4bxa424.Rxa4Rdxc325.f3R3c426.Rxc4Rxc427.Ra1Rc6Komodo11 - the
a pawn will be difficult to advance, though Wh also has the inferior B20...Qc721.Qf3Rc8oddly enough 2 other games in the match also featured
trippled major pieces22.Bh422.Be1!?22...e623.Rd123.Re1Bf824.Bf2Qa5-+23...Bh623...Bxe524.fxe5Rxh425.Qe3Ra426.Rd2Qc6-+
Komodo1126.Rd2Qc427.Bg3Rxa228.Rxa2Qxb329.Rxa6Rxc3-+30.Qb730.Qf1Qd531.Bf2Bc5-+Komodo1130...Rxg3+Bl opts to give up an
exchange for multiple pawns & a weak K, he has to be careful of his own K
safety, however , as usual, the Engine has a quicker solution30...Qd1+31.Kg2Rc2+32.Kh3h5!33.gxh5gxh5and Q & R sacrifices only delay the mate
on g4- Komodo1131.hxg3Qxg3+32.Qg232.Kf1Qxf4+33.Ke2Qxe5+34.Kd1Qd4+35.Ke1Qxg4Komodo11 carries on pursuing the K, but the Bl pawn mass &
B are more than enough to win32...Bc5+33.Kh1Qe1+33...Qxf4-+33...Qh4+34.Qh2Qxg4-+34.Kh2Qh4+35.Qh3Qf2+36.Qg2Qxf4+36...Qxf4+37.Qg3Qe438.Kh3Bd439.Qg2Qxe5looks awful for Wh0–1
Meetings every Tuesday upstairs at The Scholars, Aberystwyth, 6.30 pm. All welcome.
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