Friday, 4 May 2018

Opening Time

Aberystwyth maintained their good form of the season at home to on Tuesday 17th April with a comfortable win, dominating all the games from the early stages. Playing White on top board, Adam Watkin-Jones took advantage of Iwan Griffiths's unfamiliarity with the theory of the Semi-Tarrasch Defence, gaining a passed pawn and a big space advantage, which he soon transformed into the win of a piece. I was nervous against Tegwyn Jones after a bad run of form recently, but quickly picked up two pawns in a Budapest Gambit, and was able to exchange into a winning ending without too much difficulty. Sam Holman's no-nonsense approach to the tricky Bird's Defence to the Ruy Lopez was not the best, but Dylan Jones didn't know the theory either and got a cramped position, allowing White to build pressure against a pinned knight and eventually win it. Dan Hardman's game against Emyr Llywelyn was a quiet Reti where White's aimless manoeuvring let him in for a knight fork, after which he was always ahead. A 4-0 win for Aberystwyth keeps the club on course for this year's League title.

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1.c4 Nf6 2.Nc3 e6 3.Nf3 3.e4 main, a sharper line 3...d5 4.d4 c5 semi-Tarrasch 5.cxd5 Nxd5 5...exd5 Tarrasch 6.e4 6.e3 is a slower alternative 6...Nxc3 7.bxc3 Nc6 dangerous, as it lures pawns forward to displace the N 7...cxd4 8.cxd4 Bb4+ 8...Nc6 9.Bc4 b5! Spassky-Fischer, World Ch, Reykjavik 1972,1/2-1/2 9.Bd2 Bxd2+ 10.Qxd2 0-0 11.Bc4 Nc6 12.0-0 b6 main line, known from GM practice over the tears 8.d5 main, 87% for Wh exd5 9.exd5 Stockfish9 already considers this winning for Wh Qe7+ 9...Ne7 10.d6 Nf5 10...Nc6 11.Bf4 2-0 11.Bb5+ Bd7 12.Qe2+ wins a piece 10.Be2 Ne5 10...Nd8 11.0-0 Qd6 12.Re1 Be7 13.Bb5+ Bd7 14.Bxd7+ Kxd7 15.Qa4+ Kc8 16.Qg4+ Qd7 17.Qxg7 Carr-Everitt, Gb ch U120, aberystwyth 2014,1-0 11.0-0+- Bd7 11...Nxf3+ 12.Bxf3 Qd6 13.g3 13.Re1+ 13.Bg5 13...Be7 14.Bf4 Qf6 15.d6 Bxd6 16.Bxd6 Be6 17.Bxb7 Qd8 18.Bc6+ Huebner-Hagemann, simul, CC siemens , Munich 2002, 1-0 11...Qc7 12.Nxe5 Qxe5 13.Bb5+ Kd8 14.Re1 Qd6 15.Re8+ Kc7 16.Qf3 Steeger-Lemos de Freita, ICCF jubilee corr 2001,1-0 & Matzies-Kail, Eschborn op 2017, 1-0 12.Bf4 Komodo11 & Stockfish9 12.Nxe5 Qxe5 13.Bb5 0-0-0 14.Bxd7+ Rxd7 15.Qa4 15.Re1 Qc7 16.Qg4± Komodo11 15...Bd6 16.g3 g5 16...a6= Komodo11 17.Be3 17.Qxa7 17...h5 18.Qxa7± Sauleda Roig-Oliver Grammatico, Mallorca ch tm. Palma de Mallorca 2002,1-0 12.Rb1! 0-0-0 13.Qb3 Bf5 13...b6 14.Qa3 Nxf3+ 15.Bxf3 Bf5 16.Rxb6 axb6 17.Qa8+ Kc7 18.Qc6+ Kb8 19.Qxb6+ Kc8 20.d6 Rxd6 21.Qxc5+ Kd8 22.Qxf5+- Stockfish9 14.Nxe5 Bxb1 15.Re1 Qxe5 16.Bg4+ Bf5 17.Rxe5 Bxg4 18.Qa4+- Stockfish9 12...Ng6 12...f6 13.Re1 13.Nxe5 fxe5 14.Bh5+ g6 14...Kd8 15.Re1+- 15.Bxe5 0-0-0 16.Bxh8+- Komodo11 13.Rb1 0-0-0 14.Qb3 Bf5 15.Nxe5 fxe5 16.Bg5+- Komodo11 13...0-0-0 14.Nxe5 fxe5 15.Bf3 exf4 16.Rxe7 Bxe7 Urosevic-Cirovic, Belgrade Winter op 2008,1-0 13.Bg3+- 13.Bc7 prevents 0-0-0, & driving the B away with Rc8 , leaves the Bl K stuck in the centre, awaiting Re1 Qf6 14.d6+- Komodo11 & Stockfish9- sharpest 13.Re1+- Komodo11; looked at by Rudy during game 0-0-0 13...Nxf4 14.Bc4 Ne6 15.dxe6 fxe6 16.Ne5 0-0-0 17.Nxd7 Rxd7 18.Bxe6 Qxe6 19.Rxe6 Rxd1+ 20.Rxd1+- 14.Bf1 Nxf4 14...Qf6 15.Bg5+- 15.Rxe7 Bxe7 16.Qb3+- 16.Ne5+- 13...0-0-0 14.Re1+- 14.Rb1!+- Komodo11 & Stockfish9 Be6 14...Bf5 15.Qa4 Bxb1 16.Qxa7! 16.Rxb1 f5 17.Qxa7 f4 18.Ng5 mating , Komodo11 16...Qxe2 17.Rxb1 Qe7 18.Rb6 mating 18.Bd6 Kd7 19.Bxe7+- 18.Ng5 Kd7 19.Qa4+ Kc8 20.d6+- Komodo11 14.Qb3!? Rudy Qxe2 15.Qa3 15.c4 Qe7 16.Qa3 a6 17.Rab1 Qf6 18.Qa5 Nf4 19.Bxf4 Qxf4 20.Rxb7 Kxb7 21.Rb1+ Bb5 22.Qxd8 Qxc4 23.d6 Qd3 24.Qc7+ Ka8 25.Qc8+ Ka7 26.Qc7+= Komodo11 & Stockfish9 15.Rfe1 doesn't trap the Q 15...Qa6 16.Qxa6 bxa6 17.Rfb1 Bb5 18.a4 Bd3 19.Rb8+ Kd7 20.Rb7+ Kc8 20...Ke8 21.Re1+ Be7 22.d6+- 21.Rb8+= 14...Qf6 15.Qb3+- 15.Nd2 Re8 16.Rb1 Bd6 17.Bxd6 Qxd6 18.Nc4 Qf6 19.d6 Nf4 20.Bf3 Nh3+ 21.Kf1 Qh4 22.Rxe8+ Rxe8 23.Bxb7+ Kd8 24.gxh3 Qxc4+ 25.Kg1± Komodo11 15...Bd6 16.Reb1 16.Rab1 b6 17.a4+- Komodo11 16...b6 17.a4 Bxg3 17...Nf4!? Rudy 18.Bxf4 Bxf4 19.a5+- 18.hxg3 the Bl N is now out of the game Bf5 19.Rb2 19.Rd1 a5 20.Nd2 Kc7 21.Nc4 Rd6 21...Rb8 22.d6+ Kd8 23.Qb5+- Komodo11 19.Ba6+ Kc7 20.Rd1 Qd6 21.a5 b5 22.Bxb5 Rb8 23.Qc4+- Stockfish9 19...Rd6 19...Be4 20.c4 Bxf3 21.Bxf3 Ne5 22.Be2 Kc7 23.a5+- Komodo11 20.a5 Rhd8 21.Qc4!+- 21.Qa4 Qxc3 22.axb6 Qxb2 23.Qxa7 23.bxa7+- 23...Rxb6 24.Ba6+ Rb7 25.Bxb7+ Qxb7 26.Qxc5+ Qc7 26...Kb8 27.Nd4 27.Ra8+ Kd7 28.Ra7+- Komodo11 21.Nd2 Ne5 22.Qa3 Nd3 23.axb6 Rxb6 24.Rxb6 axb6 24...Qxb6 25.Rb1+- the Bl K position is far too open. 21.Bb5 Bd7 22.Nd2 Bxb5 23.Ne4 Qf5 24.Nxd6+ Rxd6 25.Qxb5 Qxd5 26.Re2+- Stockfish9 21...Kd7 21...Kb8 22.axb6 Rxb6 22...axb6 23.Qa6 with a quick mate 23.Qa4 23.Qxc5 23...Rd7 24.Rxb6+ Qxb6 25.g4+- 22.g4! simplest, winning a piece. while the Bl K is not yet out of the woods 22.Qa6!? Rudy, allows Bl wiggle-room Ke8 23.Bb5+ 23.Qb5+ Kf8 24.axb6 axb6 25.c4 23...Kf8 24.Re1 Qxc3 25.Rbe2± 1–0
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