Aberystwyth maintained their good form of the season at home to Gwyddbwyll.com on Tuesday 17th April with a comfortable win, dominating all the games from the early stages. Playing White on top board, Adam Watkin-Jones took advantage of Iwan Griffiths's unfamiliarity with the theory of the Semi-Tarrasch Defence, gaining a passed pawn and a big space advantage, which he soon transformed into the win of a piece. I was nervous against Tegwyn Jones after a bad run of form recently, but quickly picked up two pawns in a Budapest Gambit, and was able to exchange into a winning ending without too much difficulty. Sam Holman's no-nonsense approach to the tricky Bird's Defence to the Ruy Lopez was not the best, but Dylan Jones didn't know the theory either and got a cramped position, allowing White to build pressure against a pinned knight and eventually win it. Dan Hardman's game against Emyr Llywelyn was a quiet Reti where White's aimless manoeuvring let him in for a knight fork, after which he was always ahead. A 4-0 win for Aberystwyth keeps the club on course for this year's League title.
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1.c4Nf62.Nc3e63.Nf33.e4main, a sharper line3...d54.d4c5
semi-Tarrasch5.cxd5Nxd55...exd5Tarrasch6.e46.e3is a slower
alternative6...Nxc37.bxc3Nc6dangerous, as it lures pawns forward to
displace the N7...cxd48.cxd4Bb4+8...Nc69.Bc4b5!
Spassky-Fischer, World Ch, Reykjavik 1972,1/2-1/29.Bd2Bxd2+10.Qxd20-011.Bc4Nc612.0-0b6main line, known from GM practice over the tears8.d5main, 87% for Whexd59.exd5Stockfish9 already considers this winning
for WhQe7+9...Ne710.d6Nf510...Nc611.Bf42-011.Bb5+Bd712.Qe2+wins a piece10.Be2Ne510...Nd811.0-0Qd612.Re1Be713.Bb5+Bd714.Bxd7+Kxd715.Qa4+Kc816.Qg4+Qd717.Qxg7Carr-Everitt, Gb ch
U120, aberystwyth 2014,1-011.0-0+-Bd711...Nxf3+12.Bxf3Qd613.g313.Re1+13.Bg513...Be714.Bf4Qf615.d6Bxd616.Bxd6Be617.Bxb7Qd818.Bc6+Huebner-Hagemann, simul, CC siemens , Munich 2002, 1-011...Qc712.Nxe5Qxe513.Bb5+Kd814.Re1Qd615.Re8+Kc716.Qf3Steeger-Lemos de
Freita, ICCF jubilee corr 2001,1-0 & Matzies-Kail, Eschborn op 2017, 1-012.Bf4Komodo11 & Stockfish912.Nxe5Qxe513.Bb50-0-014.Bxd7+Rxd715.Qa415.Re1Qc716.Qg4±Komodo1115...Bd616.g3g516...a6=
Komodo1117.Be317.Qxa717...h518.Qxa7±Sauleda Roig-Oliver
Grammatico, Mallorca ch tm. Palma de Mallorca 2002,1-012.Rb1!0-0-013.Qb3Bf513...b614.Qa3Nxf3+15.Bxf3Bf516.Rxb6axb617.Qa8+Kc718.Qc6+Kb819.Qxb6+Kc820.d6Rxd621.Qxc5+Kd822.Qxf5+-Stockfish914.Nxe5Bxb115.Re1Qxe516.Bg4+Bf517.Rxe5Bxg418.Qa4+-Stockfish912...Ng612...f613.Re113.Nxe5fxe514.Bh5+g614...Kd815.Re1+-15.Bxe50-0-016.Bxh8+-Komodo1113.Rb10-0-014.Qb3Bf515.Nxe5fxe516.Bg5+-Komodo1113...0-0-014.Nxe5fxe515.Bf3exf416.Rxe7Bxe7Urosevic-Cirovic, Belgrade Winter op 2008,1-013.Bg3+-13.Bc7
prevents 0-0-0, & driving the B away with Rc8 , leaves the Bl K stuck in the
centre, awaiting Re1Qf614.d6+-Komodo11 & Stockfish9- sharpest13.Re1+-Komodo11; looked at by Rudy during game0-0-013...Nxf414.Bc4Ne615.dxe6fxe616.Ne50-0-017.Nxd7Rxd718.Bxe6Qxe619.Rxe6Rxd1+20.Rxd1+-14.Bf1Nxf414...Qf615.Bg5+-15.Rxe7Bxe716.Qb3+-16.Ne5+-13...0-0-014.Re1+-14.Rb1!+-Komodo11 & Stockfish9Be614...Bf515.Qa4Bxb116.Qxa7!16.Rxb1f517.Qxa7f418.Ng5mating ,
Komodo11 & Stockfish915.Rfe1doesn't trap the Q15...Qa616.Qxa6bxa617.Rfb1Bb518.a4Bd319.Rb8+Kd720.Rb7+Kc820...Ke821.Re1+Be722.d6+-21.Rb8+=14...Qf615.Qb3+-15.Nd2Re816.Rb1Bd617.Bxd6Qxd618.Nc4Qf619.d6Nf420.Bf3Nh3+21.Kf1Qh422.Rxe8+Rxe823.Bxb7+Kd824.gxh3Qxc4+25.Kg1±Komodo1115...Bd616.Reb116.Rab1b617.a4+-Komodo1116...b617.a4Bxg317...Nf4!?Rudy18.Bxf4Bxf419.a5+-18.hxg3the Bl N is now out of the gameBf519.Rb219.Rd1a520.Nd2Kc721.Nc4Rd621...Rb822.d6+Kd823.Qb5+-Komodo1119.Ba6+Kc720.Rd1Qd621.a5b522.Bxb5Rb823.Qc4+-Stockfish919...Rd619...Be420.c4Bxf321.Bxf3Ne522.Be2Kc723.a5+-Komodo1120.a5Rhd821.Qc4!+-21.Qa4Qxc322.axb6Qxb223.Qxa723.bxa7+-23...Rxb624.Ba6+Rb725.Bxb7+Qxb726.Qxc5+Qc726...Kb827.Nd427.Ra8+Kd728.Ra7+-Komodo1121.Nd2Ne522.Qa3Nd323.axb6Rxb624.Rxb6axb624...Qxb625.Rb1+-the Bl K position is far too open.21.Bb5Bd722.Nd2Bxb523.Ne4Qf524.Nxd6+Rxd625.Qxb5Qxd526.Re2+-Stockfish921...Kd721...Kb822.axb6Rxb622...axb623.Qa6with a quick mate23.Qa423.Qxc523...Rd724.Rxb6+Qxb625.g4+-22.g4!simplest,
winning a piece. while the Bl K is not yet out of the woods22.Qa6!?
Rudy, allows Bl wiggle-roomKe823.Bb5+23.Qb5+Kf824.axb6axb625.c423...Kf824.Re1Qxc325.Rbe2±1–0
Meetings every Tuesday upstairs at The Scholars, Aberystwyth, 6.30 pm. All welcome.
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