The new Aberystwyth University team is off to an excellent start in the Dyfed League. On Tuesday 27 November they took part in their first local derby against champions Aberystwyth Town (as we must call ourselves for the occasion). On top board for the Town team, Adam Watkin-Jones took a poisoned pawn with his queen in a Sicilian Grand Prix against Owain Davies, and instantly regretted it as his queen was sidelined and his newly castled king faced a devastating attack. His resignation may have been a bit premature, but he was in serious trouble. I got an advantage early on against Cameron Westwood when he accepted my Vienna Gambit (one that should always be declined) and, after dithering a bit, was able to consolidate it when he allowed a tactic that won the exchange. Ian Finlay was doing well after declining Jan Piotrowski's Morra Gambit, and entered the endgame a couple of pawns to the good. However, he overlooked the danger from White's advanced passed pawn till it was too late to stop it. Sam Holman won a piece in a French Defence Advance Variation after a complex queenside skirmish against Dan Hardman. However White was able to pick up some pawns as compensation, and a difficult ending was eventually drawn. The match finished 2½-1½ to the University, taking them to the top of the league, though Cardigan have a couple of games in hand.
The previous week had seen two more games in the Club Championship. Hardman-Holman was a dry run for their league game, in the same variation of the French, though this time Sam prevailed in the ending. I played my favourite Botvinnik English formation against Francis Headley's Sicilian and took advantage of Black's tactical error to win a piece, after which I was always comfortably in control.
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1.e4c52.Nc3Nc63.f4g64.Bb5Nd44...Bg75.Nf3Nd4transposes5.Nf3Bg76.d3not the most usual &
scarcely discussed in the theory books,(eg Kotronias- Beating the
Anti-Sicilians 2015) which concentrate on6.0-06.Nxd46.Bd36.Bc46.a46...Nxb5=the most frequent move, scores only 37% for Wh6...e6=next , where after7.0-0Wh scores 41 %6...Qa5though is the
Cloud Engines' choice, with the Wh results at 14.3 % after7.Bc47.Ba4?Nxf3+8.Qxf3Bxc3+9.bxc3Qxa47...Nxf3+8.gxf3b59.Bd5Rb810.0-0e611.Bb311.Qe2b412.Nd1exd513.exd5+Kf8-+Akiko-Vo, ASEAN ch U16
girls, Hue 2009,0-111...c412.dxc4bxc413.Qd613.Bxc4Qc5+-+13...Rb614.Qc7Ne715.Bxc4Qh516.Qxa7Bd4+17.Kh1Nc618.Qa3Bc519.Nd5Bxa320.Nf6+Ke721.Nxh5Bxb222.Bxb2Rxb223.Ng3Rxc224.Rfc1Rxc1+25.Rxc1Bb7Komodo12 , after all that, Qa5 needs a re-look7.Nxb5Qa5+7...d6=7...a6=the preferences of the Cloud Engines8.Nc3=Bxc3+
main move played, usuallyt stronger players risking things to go a pawn up8...b5Komodo129.0-0Bb79...e610.e5f511.Bd2b412.Ne2Ne713.a3±Buiano-Schiappoli, Napoli Province ch 2011,1-010.e5Nh611.Ne4Qc712.a4b4=Komodo128...d59.exd5Nf610.0-0Qd811.Re10-011...Nxd512.Nxd5Qxd513.Qe20-014.Qxe7Be615.Qh4Rfe8=Komodo1212.Re5Nd712...b513.Re1Nb614.Kh1Re815.Bd2Nxd5=Komodo129.bxc3Qxc3+only move played9...d510.exd5c411.Be3Nf612.0-0Nxd513.Bd4f614.g3b515.a4Bh316.Re10-017.axb5Qxb518.dxc4Qxc4=Komodo1210.Bd2±Qa310...Qg7main; Komodo12 & Rudy11.0-0Nf6Komodo1211...Nh612.Qe1d613.Bc3f6digging in- Rudy, on the way back home14.a40-0=Komodo1211...e612.Qe1d613.Bc3f614.Qh414.e5±
Komodo1214...e515.f515.fxe5dxe516.Nxe5+-fxe517.Qf4exf418.Bxg7Komodo1215...g515...gxf515...Ne7=16.Qh5+Qf717.Qxf7+17.Qh3=17...Kxf7Galante-Castelli, Terre degli Elini op,
Erice 2012,0-111...d612.Qe112.e5±12...f613.Nh413.e5±13...Nh614.f5Nf715.Qg3g515...Rg816.c3Bd716...Ne517.Rab1Bc618.Rfe1Qg818...Ne519.d4Nc420.Nf3b619.Nf3Ne520.Nxe520.d4Nxf3+21.Qxf3Qxa2=20...dxe521.a3b621...Qa222.Qe3Rd822.Be3Rd8Smith-Jacobs,Redpath Mining Millionaire OPen 2016,1-0(
after Bl finally let Wh into the K side despite an overwhelming position on
the other side)12.c4±Komodo1212.Bc3pm analysisd612...0-0?!13.g4d514.g5d415.gxf6exf616.Bd2b617.f5±Komodo1213.Rb1b614.Qe10-0=Komodo12- but only because it is prepared to give a piece for
some extra pawns- so maybe the digging in variation is still to be preferred15.h3Rd815...Be616.g4Qh617.g5Qxh318.gxf6exf619.f5gxf520.Kf2+-only now does Komodo12 begin to appreciate what its let itself in for.16.g4Qf817.f5Ne8Engines may well be happy to defend positions like
these , but humans would enjoy the White side much more.( Actually I think its
the Engines which relish these kind of positions for both sides)18.Ng5f6=19.e5dxe520.fxg6hxg621.Qe4Bd722.Bxe5Qh623.Qd5+e624.Nxe6Qe3+25.Kg2Qxe526.Qxe5fxe527.Rf8+Kh728.Rf7+Kg829.Rf8+and its a
draw! Proving that Bl's play is totally sound?11.0-0Nf611...d612.Qe112.e512...Bd713.Bc3f614.e50-0-015.e615.Ng5±Komodo1215...Bc616.Ng5Nh617.Nf3Nf5Chinasamy-Punongbajam, Tromso ol 2014,1/
2-1/212.Qe112.Be3Ng412...d5=12...0-0=13.Bd2d614.h3Nf615.Rb1c416.e5Nd517.dxc4Ne318.Bxe3Qxe3+19.Kh1Qxf420.exd6Qxd621.Qxd6exd622.Ng50-0=Morales Fajarnes-Olvera Anton, Foment
Martinenc op, Barcelona 2013,0-112...d5looks wrong now , as the lines
are opened for the Wh Q facing the Bl K. But the game is probably gone already.
The Bl Q is simply offside, & Bl is way behind in development.12...0-013.e5Nd514.f5+-just looks unsafe, ( there are too many Wh pieces aimed at
the K) as confirmed by Komodo12 after a pause for reflection12...b613.e5Nd514.Qe4e615.c4Nc716.Rfb1Rb817.Rb3Qa418.Qe1Bb719.Ng50-020.Qh4h5=the Engine feels no danger, when humans would be hearing all the
alarm bells ringing- eg f5 possibilities & d4 letting the b3 R in21.g4Qc622.Ne4+-yet another example of an Engine misjudging the longterm aspects
of a position12...c4tries to bring the Q back, but13.Bb4Qa614.Rd1±when the best suggestion from Komodo12 isd5anyway, though at leat the
Q is available along the 3rd rank.13.exd5Nxd513...0-014.Qe514.Qxe7Nxd515.Qg5Be616.Qh6f617.f5Bxf518.Nh4Ne719.Rae1Rae820.Rf3Qxa221.c4Bd722.Rg3Rf723.Nxg6Nxg624.Rxg6+hxg625.Qxg6+Rg726.Rxe8+Bxe827.Qxe8+Kh728.Qh5+Kg829.Qe8+=Komodo1214...Bf515.Nh4Ng416.Qe116.Qxe7Rfe817.Qxb7±16...Rfe817.h3Nf618.Nxf5gxf519.Bc3Kf820.Bxf6exf621.Qh4Kg722.Rf3Qb223.Rg3+Kh824.d4!+-
Komodo12114.Qe5Nf615.Rae10-015...Be6Rudy, pm analysis16.Ng5
unsure of what follows , but Bl might stand a chance of holding out16.f5
Komodo12gxf517.Ng5Qxa218.Rxf5Qd519.Nxe6Qxe520.Ng7+Kf821.Rexe5Kxg722.Rxe7Rhe823.Rxb7+-Wh picks up pawns & the B is better than the N
16...Qxa217.Bc3Rd817...0-0-0?18.Qxc5+Kb819.Ra118.f5gxf519.Rxf5Rg820.Nxe6fxe621.Qxc5Nd722.Qb4a523.Qxa5Qxa524.Rxa5Rc825.Bb425.Ra3e525...Rxc226.Ra8+Kf727.Rxg8Kxg828.Rxe6Nb829.Rxe7Nc630.Re4b5but surely good winning chances for Wh, though there
is a risk the d & b pawns will swap16.Qxe716.Qxe7Kg7Rudy in pm
analysis thought might cling on, however16...Nh5Komodo12 only way to
last longer17.f5Bxf518.Bh6Qxa219.Ng5Qxc220.Bxf8Rxf821.g4Qxd322.gxf5Qd4+23.Kh1Qd5+24.Ne4b525.Rd1Qa826.fxg6hxg627.Rd7+-17.f5Owain & Komodo12 breaks throughBxf518.Nd4!Komodo12, blocks off
the Bl Q return18.Nh4with the same idea looks more human18.Bh6+
initial idea in pm analysisKxh619.Qxf6Qa620.Qg5+Kg721.Nh4Be622.c4f623.Qxc5Rfe8=Komodo1218...Qb219.Nxf5+gxf520.Rxf520.Rb1!even better-Komodo12Qd4+21.Be3Qg422.Rxb7c423.Rf323.Bh6+Kxh624.Qxf6+Qg625.Qh4+Kg726.Qxc423...Rae824.Qc5Qg625.Rxf5+-20...Ng821.Qe3+-21.Qxc5+-1–0
Meetings every Tuesday upstairs at The Scholars, Aberystwyth, 6.30 pm. All welcome.
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