The second of our pair of friendly matches against the University team was played in the Hugh Owen Building of the University on Thursday 24th November. Playing his first match for the Club, Luis Ortiz Sanchez had Black on top board againt his compatriot Lluis Navarro. Appropriately the opening was a Catalan, though I suppose a Spanish would have been still more so. White took advantage Black's loose queenside to penetrate the position and was soon able to work his way over to the kingside and force mate. In another Catalan (by transposition from the English), Peter Windows won a piece in the opening and was always winning but had to be patient in the face of some awkward Black counterplay before it finally fizzeld out. Sam Holman's King's Indian soon became blocked; Harry Fox's position looked better, but he had no way through. Samuel Raybone reached a level ending against Patrick Bourne in a Queen's Gambit Declined. Black dropped a pawn and White missed a chance of a winning advantage but the eventual ending with rook and pawn against rook was a clear draw. Once again the result was a friendly 2-2.
Aberystwyth Chess Club
Chair / Blogmaster: Matthew Francis
Team Captains: Murray Smith / Luis Sanchez
Secretary: Samuel Raybone
Treasurer: Peter Windows
Meetings every Tuesday upstairs at The Scholars, Aberystwyth, 6.30 pm. All welcome.
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Team Captains: Murray Smith / Luis Sanchez
Secretary: Samuel Raybone
Treasurer: Peter Windows
Meetings every Tuesday upstairs at The Scholars, Aberystwyth, 6.30 pm. All welcome.
When viewing the archives, please select a single blog entry. The game replayer will not work properly if more than one entry is displayed at a time. After selecting a month with more than one entry, click on one of the headings displayed under that month. Games listed in entries earlier than October 2016 are not replayable because the software used is no longer supprted.
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