Monday 7 March 2011

Second Win

In the very first match after their first win of the season, the B team have their second, all the more welcome for being unexpected. On Monday 28 February their opponents were the strong Carmarthen team. On top board Carmarthen's Gerry Heap, one of the best players in the League, overreached against Julie van Kemenade's solid King's Indian position and played a knight sacrifice that was never on, resigning soon afterwards when further material loss was imminent. Meanwhile, on Board 4, Georgina Gray had acquired a dominant position against Clive Boaler, eventually pressuring him into giving up a piece, which did nothing to alleviate his situation. On second board, I was facing an old opponent in David Buttell. Noticing Clive Boaler's resignation on Board 4, I immediately offered a draw in a level Maroczy Bind position, which David accepted, giving us the match. He and I have now played seven times, with honours even, but by some statistical freak I have been White each time. Ian Finlay was once again last to finish, having outplayed the higher-rated Paul Orton and gained a material advantage in a position where there was nevertheless still a fair bit to do to clinch the win. He now offered a draw as well, and the match finished 3-1 to Aberystwyth B.

Gerry Heap - Julie van Kemenade 0-1

Matthew Francis - David Buttell ½-½

Paul Orton - Ian Finlay ½-½

Georgina Gray - Clive Boaler 1-0

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